Find out your Website is Indexed in Major Search Engines or not

The major reason of Implementing SEO Tips to our website is that we want it to be top in any search engine. According to my SEO experience it is very necessary to check out weather your website is indexed in the search engine or not as it let you know how many pages of your website are currently listed in Google. In order to check out weather our website is included in the database of a certain search engine there are a few commands. These commands can tell us either our website is indexed in that particular search engine or not. There are a few steps which you must make sure are completed before checking that your website is indexed in a particular search engine or not.
• Make sure you have registered a domain
• Make sure you have uploaded your website and all the necessary data to the Web Server
• Make sure you have submitted your website in Major Search Engines
After making sure that you have completed the following steps you are now in a position to check weather your website is indexed by search engines or not. Let us start with the most popular search engine that is of course Google

How to check weather your website is indexed in Google
• Open the Google search engine in your browser
• In the search box type the command site:
• Where must be replaced by your domain name.
• It will display a list of indexed web pages of your website in Google

How to check weather your website is indexed in Yahoo
• Open the Yahoo search engine in your browser
• In the search box type the command site:
• Where must be replaced with your domain name
• It will display a list of indexed web pages of your website in Yahoo
How to check weather your website is indexed in MSN
• Open in your web browser
• In the search box simply type the whole URL of your website.
• If your website is indexed by MSN it will display all the web pages indexed in MSN

Reason your website is not listed in major search engines
There are many reasons due to which your website is not indexed by most of the search engines. According to my SEO experience these are a few reasons due to which your website is not indexed in search engines

• Your website has not been indexed yet
• Your website may contain frames in its design Structure
• Your website contain broken links
• Your web site is not search engine friendly means it may contain loads of images and other media.
• Your website is not hosted on a reliable server
• You have placed duplicate content on your website
• You have dynamic structure of your URL which is not followed properly by many search engines

Role of Outbound Links in Search Engine Ranking

Almost all of us know that links play an important role in search engine optimization. Get links is one of the most common SEO Tips that people implement in their SEO. In my SEO Experience, I consider Links as the votes of the other sites given to your own website. The higher the votes your website acquire from other websites, higher will be the ranking of your website in search engine ranking. Your website can have two types of links from the other websites.

* The Inbound Links or the Back links

* The outbound Links or External Links

Inbound Links
These are those links, which are coming to your website from the other websites. People recommend having a high number of quality back links achieve high rankings in Google.
Out bound Links or External Links
These are the outgoing links from your website to the other website over the internet. The role of outbound links is a bit controversial in achievement of search engine rankings. In today’s article, we are going to discuss what role actually played by the outbound links to achieve search engine rankings.
Role of out bound links in Search Engine Ranking
There are hundreds of factors on the bases of which a search engine rank a particular website higher and outbound links in one of those factors. According to my SEO Experience out bound links helps you in getting yourself interconnected with web. By help of linking, you make friends and visitors from their website tend to visit your website. Many people say that out bound links breech the quality of your website and results in dropping the PR and traffic statistics of your website. However, according to my SEO Experience if out bound links used with proper caution and knowledge they will indeed help you in gaining both PR and traffic. Here are some SEO Tips that you must follow to place outbound links in your website.

* Do not add too many out bound links in your website as it may consider spamming by search engines

* Always try to add the outbound links of those websites that fall into your category and are relevant to your website.

* Try to add high-ranking websites in your outbound links as it will play a vital role in boosting up your ranking.

* Do not link spam web sites as search engine can consider your website a spam website

* Do not link to link farms and automated linking systems

* Try to use the anchor text wisely and efficiently. Do not use your Keywords in the anchor text. Try to use “Click here” or “Click” as an anchor text for your outbound links.

Advantages of having quality outbound links

* Linking with the other websites can help you in getting two way traffic that is form their website to yours and from your website to their.

* You can show your reader that you are interconnected in blogosphere and you are talking on the latest topics being discussed in the blogosphere.

* Links will help in bringing repeat customers

* Always keep in mind the universal law that you will definitely receive something after giving

* Outbound links shows that you have confidence in your website and there is nothing to hide

* By not linking to the other websites you are sending your visitors back to search engine and you will get nothing out of it

By following these SEO Tips in getting outbound links you will defiantly feel an increase in your website traffic and website ranking